18 febrero, 2025
InicioActualidadIsabel Rodríguez promete establecer «alianzas leales» con futuros alcaldes para mejorar el...

Isabel Rodríguez promete establecer «alianzas leales» con futuros alcaldes para mejorar el bienestar.

Isabel Rodríguez, who is the spokesperson for the Spanish Government and Minister of Territorial Policy, has urged elected officials and those who are about to take up the positions of mayor in Castilla-La Mancha from June 17, to work together to «raise the standard of living» of citizens and this region every day.

During her speech on Castilla-La Mancha Day from the Gran Teatro de Manzanares, she demonstrated her commitment, as a minister of the Spanish Government, to «accompany» all institutional positions to weave «alliances between different administrations under the principles of loyalty».

Rodríguez has taken pride in being part of Castilla-La Mancha, and at the institutional event for the Day of the Region, she urged her fellow citizens to feel «proud of their destiny, progress, creativity, talent», as she also advocates the way Castilian Manchegan people «speak and communicate».

The Autonomy Statute of the region «is still being written» and is written «by each and every citizen». «We celebrate this collective success and we celebrate individual successes,» she said speaking to the awardees.

In her words of gratitude for the invitation, she wanted to highlight how the public has placed their trust in Emiliano García Page, to «continue managing the interests and future» of the Autonomous Community.

Today, which marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the first regional parliament, it is demonstrated that the autonomous model «was a collective success, of the country, and essential for the welfare state.»

Now, the autonomous regions «have multiplied political energy, clean and positive in this country», something that «has allowed for an unparalleled time of progress».

An autonomous success that has taken place «throughout Spain», according to Rodríguez, who has recalled that she was already born with the Constitution and the Autonomy Statute under her arm, thanks to which «vital and collective projects that were dreamed of 40 years ago can now be developed».

«Deciding our destiny, making decisions from proximity with important competencies such as education or healthcare, has been very important», Rodríguez stated.

La entrada Isabel Rodríguez promete establecer «alianzas leales» con futuros alcaldes para mejorar el bienestar. se publicó primero en Diario de Castilla-la Mancha.

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